Resources on Considering Controversial Topics in Citizenship Education

  1. Alexander, H. A., Reimagining Liberal Education: Affiliation and Inquiry in Democratic Schooling. London: Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2015 
  2. Alexander, H. A., Pinson, H., & Yonah, Y., Eds. Citizenship, Education, and Social Conflict: Israeli Political Education in Global Perspective. New York: Routledge, 2011
  3. Alexander, H. A., “What is Critical about Critical Pedagogy: Competing Conceptions of Criticism in the Curriculum,” Educational Philosophy and Theory 50, no. 10 (published online 21 Sept 2016): 893-899
  4. Alexander, H. A. “Recovering Humanism: Engaging Religious and Other Worldviews in Diverse Liberal Societies,” Religious Education 113, no. 2 (2018): 115-122
  5. Owens, D., Pear, R., Alexander, H. A., Reiss, M., & Tal, T., “Scientific and Religious Perspectives on Evolution in the Curriculum: An Approach Based on Pedagogy of Difference,” Research in Science Education 48, no. 6 (2018): 1171-1186
  6. Alexander, H. A., “Zionist Education at the Crossroads.” In From Altneuland to Tel Aviv: Of Dreams and Deeds, edited by D. Breakstone & A. Feldstein, 61-77. Jerusalem: The Zionist Library, 2006
  7. McAvoy, P., & Hess, D. (2013). Classroom deliberation in an era of political polarization. Curriculum Inquiry, 43(1), 14-47.‏
  8.  Agbaria, A. K. Agbaria & Pinson, H. (2019). “Navigating Israeli citizenship: how do Arab-Palestinian teachers civicize their pupils?,” Race Ethnicity and Education, 22:3, 391-409, DOI: 10.1080/13613324.2018.1511527
  9.   Agbaria, A. K., Mustafa, M., & Jabareen, Y. T. (2015). ‘In your face’ democracy: education for belonging and its challenges in Israel. British Educational Research Journal, 41(1), 143-175.
  10. Avery, P. G., Levy, S. A., & Simmons, A. M. (2013). Deliberating controversial public issues as part of civic education. The Social Studies, 104(3), 105-114.
  11. Cohen, A. (2020). Teaching to discuss controversial public issues in fragile times: Approaches of Israeli civics teacher educators. Teaching and Teacher Education, 89, 103013.
  12. Gindi, S., & Erlich, R. R. (2018). High school teachers’ attitudes and reported behaviors towards controversial issues. Teaching and Teacher Education, 70(58), e66.‏‏‏

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