Accepting Your Educational Loans

Students who intend to accept all or part of their educational loans should do so ASAP. For many students relying on their financial aid for a refund, loans are the principal source of the refund amount. If you wait to accept your loans later this month, the amount refunded to you from your loans will be delayed.

  • Only half of the amount you accept will pay toward your Fall fees. The other half will pay in Spring. This is a federal regulation which applies to all federal funds including educational loans.
  • You do not need to accept all of your loans now. If you choose not to accept the full amount, you will have the opportunity to accept the remaining amount later this academic year.

Accept your loans through If you are an entering student (or haven’t borrowed from Berkeley Law before), don’t forget to complete your Master Promissory Notes and Entrance Counseling as outlined on our Loans page.