
The Graciela Olivárez Latinas in the Legal Academy (“GO LILA”) Workshop is dedicated to supporting and mentoring Latinas in and aspiring to enter, succeed, and lead in the legal academy through an annual workshop, beginning with the 2022 Inaugural Workshop. Workshops will dedicate time to:

  • scholarship, including incubator projects or works in progress
  • prepare for the job market as an entry level or lateral candidate
  • explore the panorama of our identities and history
  • engage in professional development training
  • participate in wellness activities
  • build community

Learn about Latinas in the Legal Academy

The 2022 Inaugural Graciela Olivárez Latinas in the Legal Academy (GO LILA) Workshop convened 74 outstanding and powerful Latina law professors and professional legal educators (collectively, “Latinas in the legal academy,” or “LILAs”) to document and celebrate our individual and collective journeys and to grow stronger together. In this essay, we, four of the Latina law professors who helped to co-found the GO LILA Workshop, share what we learned about and from each other. We invite other LILAs to join our community and share their stories and journeys. We hope that the data and lessons that we share can inspire other Latinas to join the legal academy. We encourage law schools to honor the transformation that our presence and contributions have brought to legal education and scholarship and to join us in considering how our path forward can be even more impactful and sustaining.

Raquel Aldana, Emile Loza de Siles, Solangel Maldonado & Rachel F. Moran, Latinas in the Legal Academy: Progress and Promise, 26 Harv. Lat. Amer. L. Rev. 301 (2023)