New York Times, Feb. 4, by Jodi Kantor
“It’s not easy,” Ms. Echaveste, who is a paid consultant to Mrs. Clinton, said in a joint telephone interview with her husband, who advises Mr. Obama. “You’re having a discussion and your husband is basically saying that your candidate doesn’t have a moral compass.”
ABC News, Feb. 5, by Jake Tapper, Susan Rucci, and Cindy Smith
“He [Obama] operates from an inner framework of values, a moral compass that I think is absolutely critical in that job,” said Edley, who taught Obama in law school.
“I sort of bristle a little bit when Christopher talks about Obama’s centeredness and sense of values and there is an implied criticism that Hillary Clinton doesn’t know who she is and doesn’t have values,” Echaveste said.
Daily Californian, Feb. 5, by Stephanie M. Lee
“I’ve worked with now a half-dozen presidential candidates as well as two presidents, and (Obama) is one of the three or four most astonishing minds that I’ve encountered in public life,” said Edley.
“Because I’ve been the deputy chief of staff to the president for two-and-a-half years, where you see up and close what the job requires, I just concluded that as much as I liked Obama, she was more ready,” said Echaveste.