Jesse Choper Explains Impact of Prop 8

-KRON-TV, May 27, 2009 by Mark Jones

“The pro-gay rights people are going to have a constitutional amendment to be put on the ballot, a ballot proposition amending the constitution and changing what Proposition 8 did.” Professor Choper says opponents could back to polls, too, and try to throw out the 18-thousand gay marriages. “They could do what they failed to do with this initiative and that was to make perfectly clear that there shall be no gay marriage recognized in the state of California, whether it was consummated before or after.”

-CHQR-AM, The Rutherford Show, May 27, 2009 Host Dave Rutherford

The California Supreme Court held that sexual preference is a specially-protected class under the California constitution. Proposition 8 didn’t change that. It simply said … that the special protection does not include the M word, marriage. They still have rights under California Domestic Partnership law, which gives them a substantial number of rights of married couples…. So, this doesn’t mean that all of a sudden California could turn around and say that gays have no special rights under the constitution. That’s not what they did. This was a very narrow and limited denial of a certain aspect of the right.