Melissa Murray Recounts Clerkship with Sotomayor

-The New York Times, May 26, 2009 by Sheryl Gay Stolberg

Melissa Murray, who worked for the judge from 2003-4 … recalled going to a Yankees game with Judge Sotomayor. The judge, a Yankees fan, bought tickets in the bleachers, which Ms. Murray said the judge preferred as a more “authentic experience,” and she appeared to be known to several in the crowd. “We were on the way to the bleachers and people were, like, ‘Judge! Judge!’ ” Ms. Murray recalled. “She is really well known in the South Bronx and kind of a role model in the community.”

-Daily Journal, May 27, 2009 by Lawrence Hurley (requires registration; go to G:\Law School in the News\News Clips for article)

Melissa Murray … who clerked for Sotomayor from 2003 to 2004, described the nominee as “incredibly smart and unfailingly rigorous in her research.” Murray said Sotomayor’s five years as a federal trial judge in the Southern District of New York following her appointment by Republican President George H.W. Bush helped shape her approach to cases, as did her five years as an assistant district attorney in Manhattan from 1979 to 1984. “As a former trial court judge, she felt it was important to understand what had happened in the trial court below,” Murray said.