-The Sacramento Bee, July 7, 2009 by Dan Walters
Keeley and Boalt Hall School of Law Dean Christopher Edley Jr. are drafting the blue plan for presentation to the commission next week in a direct challenge to Parsky, who has been pushing his vision of tax reform very hard.
-Calbuzz, July 13, 2009 by Jerry Roberts and Phil Trounstine
After the elements of that idea—which became known as the Red Plan—were well-publicized and thoroughly examined by the commission’s staff, the liberal wing on the commission, led by Keeley and Christopher Edley, dean of the Boalt Hall School of Law, came forth with an alternate Blue Plan.
-California Progress Report, July 15, 2009 by Peter Schrag
The Keeley proposal, which is supported in large part by Commission member Chris Edley, the dean of Boalt Hall Law School, would also create a split property tax roll which, while leaving residential property taxes and assessments untouched, would provide for annual reassessment of commercial property.