Mary Ann Mason Laments “Leak” of Female Academics from Tenure-Track Pipeline

-Science Progress, November 10, 2009 by Andrew Plemmons Pratt

“The leak is almost entirely, or least due primarily to family formation,” said Mason.

-The Chronicle of Higher Education, November 10, 2009 by Audrey Williams June

“This is really a wake up call that we’re losing our women scientists,” said Mary Ann Mason, a Chronicle contributor who is an author of the report and a professor and co-director of the Berkeley Center on Health, Economic & Family Security. “But there are some things that we can do about that right now,” she said.

-The Scientist, November 11, 2009 by Edyta Zielinska

Universities have responded to the call for better support of scientists who want to start families with policies such as stopping the tenure clock and offering paid parental leave. However, “there is a huge variation” in how these policies are administered, said Mary Ann Mason…. Often “researchers don’t know what [these policies] are” and how they work. Also, few of these programs are offered to early career scientists, who need them the most, she said.