-Reuters, August 16, 2010 by Peter Henderson
“It is obvious that they think there is a genuine issue of whether Prop 8 backers have the legal right to appeal,” said Jesse Choper, a Constitutional law professor at Berkeley.
“They punt,” said University of California, Berkeley, family law professor Joan Hollinger, who said the ruling was practical since it left in place the status quo but sped up the appeal.
-The Christian Science Monitor, August 17, 2010 by Daniel B. Wood
“The practical effect of imposing the stay until at least December is to give the 9th Circuit an opportunity to review more carefully whether the proponents have standing to bring an appeal,” adds UC Berkeley School of Law professor Joan Hollinger.
-Reuters, August 17, 2010 by Peter Henderson and Dan Levine
Jesse Choper, a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, said the appeals court seemed to see standing as a “genuine issue.” Legal analysts are uncertain how the court might rule.