-California Watch, January 20, 2011 by David Gross and Michael Montgomery
Barry Krisberg … said the state still needs a small facility for older, gang-entrenched youth….”It is a difficult population, in terms of violence and serious sex offenses,” he said. “It is my view that the counties are not equipped to adequately provide for these youth. One consequence is we will push more of them into the (adult) prison system.”
-The New York Times, The Bay Citizen, January 22, 2011 by Trey Bundy
Barry Krisberg … said that keeping young offenders at the county level might offer them fewer rehabilitation options. “I would bet that those kids would end up in juvenile hall, in isolation, getting fewer services,” Mr. Krisberg said. “I don’t think we can shut down the entire state system.”
-KALW News, January 27, 2011 by Rina Palta
Krisberg says some county facilities are known for being worse than the states’. “So we’re taking them out of not very great facilities, kind of passable programming, and we’re putting them into hell.”
-KQED-FM, January 27, 2011 Host Michael Krasny
“These are some of the most troubled youths in terms of mental health challenges. My concern is that the counties really are not geared up to manage these youths, and they’ll probably find their way to the deepest end of the detention centers where programming education is going to be far more limited than what they’re getting now.”