Barry Krisberg Criticizes County Youth Prisons

-California Watch, March 14, 2011 by Louis Freedberg

“Our county juvenile justice system is akin to the Wild West,” said Barry Krisberg, director of the Earl Warren Institute at the UC Berkeley Law School. “Here there are no real standards, and as a result, practices can be good in some places and horrible in other places.”

-KALW News, The Informant, March 14, 2011 by Rina Palta

Sending more kids to a place like Los Angeles, Krisberg has said, would be unconscionable–worse than the state system, which Krisberg says, has its own (lesser) problems. The counter-argument has been that LA and other troubled counties simply will not change until forced to, and that shutting the DJJ could be a catalyst for change.

-USA Today, March 15, 2011 by Martha Moore

“I’ve seen too many kids die because the state wasn’t appropriately regulating what was going on at the local level,” says Barry Krisberg, a Berkeley law professor and juvenile justice expert.