David Onek Calls for Police Reform

-Beyond Chron, March 14, 2011 by Paul Hogarth

Onek spoke about his background at Walden House and Legal Services for Children, his work on the SF Police Commission and as Executive Director of the UC Berkeley Center for Criminal Justice. “For tough issues, let’s bring everyone around the table to get programmatic, common-sense reforms,” said Onek, as he described his work to help people out of prison get jobs.

-SF Weekly, The Snitch, March 14, 2011 by Matt Smith

Onek added he would reverse a long-standing District Attorney’s office policy of disregarding the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance, which requires local officials to respond forthrightly to public records requests. “The default is always to be as transparent as you possibly can be, because that’s how you build trust with the community, and trust with the community is what makes us safer,” said Onek.