John Yoo Says Bin Laden Operation Vindicates Bush Policies

-National Review Online, May 2, 2011 by John Yoo

The majority of the credit for the operation that killed Osama bin Laden goes to the Obama administration. But it is also a vindication of the Bush administration’s terrorism policies and shows that success comes from continuing those policies, not rejecting them.

-The Wall Street Journal, May 4, 2011 by John Yoo

According to current and former administration officials, CIA interrogators gathered the initial information that ultimately led to bin Laden’s death…. President George W. Bush, not his successor, constructed the interrogation and warrantless surveillance programs that produced this week’s actionable intelligence.

-National Public Radio, May 6, 2011 by NPR Staff

I think that this administration has a strong preference not to capture any al-Qaida leaders and would rather kill them…. However, I think it’s much better for our national security if we could capture them—as we used to—and interrogate them in order to build our mosaic of intelligence on the al-Qaida network. In fact, it’s precisely those earlier captures and interrogations, back in the first years after 9/11, that produced the intelligence that eventually allowed us to find the couriers that led us to bin Laden himself.

-USA Today, May 9, 2011 by John Yoo

We should not forget what made the operation possible: President Bush’s counterterrorism policies. Obama administration sources confirm that the coercive interrogation of three al-Qaeda leaders identified the courier who led the CIA to bin Laden.