Alexa Koenig

Arrest Bashir

Alexa Koenig, Eric Stover and Victor Peskin write for Foreign Affairs, July 13, 2016

In 2009, the ICC issued an arrest warrant for the Sudanese leader for crimes against humanity, including the killing of 300,000 people and the displacement of 2.5 million more in Darfur. A year later, the court added the charge of genocide. Since then, Bashir has made more than 75 trips to nearly 30 countries, including to seven states that are members of the ICC and are therefore legally obligated to arrest him.

Genocide with impunity

Alexa Koenig interviewed by PBS: The Open Mind, July 2, 2016

One thing that you realize when you look at the arc of justice from, say, the 1940s to the present day, is that sometimes it takes 20-30 years to actually get the highest level people to be accountable for their crimes.

“When I returned home, it was another hell”: Now’s the time to talk about what we do after Guantánamo

Alexa Koenig and Eric Stover write for Salon, Feb. 25, 2016

Right now, as we take first steps toward finally closing Guantánamo, we have a choice: Do we continue to transfer individuals with little to no social, economic or psychological support, leaving them desperate for a productive future? Or do we make a relatively tiny investment in their future to set them on a path toward productivity? Even as Guantánamo finally and rightfully closes, the damage endures—as does our responsibility.

“Mom, is it illegal for a woman to be president?”

Alexa Koenig writes for The Huffington Post: HuffPost Politics, Feb. 12, 2016

My daughter isn’t saying she wants to be president because of the issues. She’s saying she wants to be president because she wants to break a barrier—and the only way to break that barrier is to capitalize on her identity to rectify the fact that women have been absent from our highest levels of leadership for far too long.

Book excerpt: American exceptionalism at its worst

Eric Stover, Alexa Koenig, and Victor Peskin write for Alameda Magazine, Sept. 2015

By late summer 2003, Abu Ghraib was packed with nearly 3,000 prisoners. Many of the detainees were Iraqi civilians who had been picked up in random military sweeps or at checkpoints for “suspicious activities.” Most were men, but there were also women, adolescents, and even children as young as ten, the majority of whom were deemed not a threat to society but who were not immediately released due to orders from above.

After Kenya, lessons for witness protection

Alexa Koenig, Stephen Smith Cody and Eric Stover write for International Criminal Justice Today, April 17, 2014

International criminal prosecutions depend on credible witness testimony. In particular, victim-witnesses can provide essential evidence regarding both crimes and those who committed or orchestrated them. However for many, testifying in an international trial requires an act of great courage, especially when perpetrators still walk the streets of their villages and towns.

Berkeley Law’s Human Rights Center honored with $1M award

Alexa Koenig quoted in Daily Journal (registration required), February 6, 2015

“We were absolutely bowled over,” Executive Director Alexa Koenig said of the award. “We’re not an organization that is often in the news. We tend to fly really beneath the radar, so to have such a public honor has been sort of overwhelming.”

UC Berkeley program on human rights, war crimes wins $1-million grant

Alexa Koenig and Eric Stover quoted in Los Angeles Times, February 4, 2015

The MacArthur grant will establish an endowment for the center and help fund its work on researching and preventing sexual violence, Koenig said. The new endowment will “provide a sense of stability and that makes this really important,” she said.

Eric Stover … said the center is working to ally Silicon Valley companies with international prosecutors on the use of digital videos, emails and other technologies that bolster evidence in trials of those accused of atrocities. Stover said that he was grateful for the MacArthur gift and that he hoped it “will attract others to recognize our work.”

How can photography impact the struggle for human rights around the globe?

Eric Stover and Alexa Koenig interviewed on KALW-FM, Your Call, August 25, 2014

Stover: “The featured photographs remind us that human rights photography is at its best when it shuns the sensational and sentimental, and instead finds human dignity in the face of injustice.”

Koenig: “In a world where we are so saturated often with media images, it’s important to focus on the positive, the possibility for survival, the possibility for making sense out of something that often comes across as quite senseless.”

Human rights made strikingly visible at Berkeley show

Alexa Koenig and Eric Stover quoted in Berkeleyside, August 22, 2014

“We have an amazing opportunity to be affiliated with the campus, but we function as an independent NGO of sorts,” Koenig says. “We’re very boots on the ground, yet when we’re facing an issue we need to address we benefit from the expertise available at Cal.”

Eric Stover serves as faculty director…. “We tend to be so focused on the work and service we’re not thinking about outreach. The 20th anniversary celebration is our chance to acknowledge that there have been dozens of students and faculty involved with our work.”