Christopher Edley

Christopher Edley, Melissa Murray, William Fernholz Praise Sotomayor and Moot Court Judges

-San Francisco Business Times, January 11, 2011

Christopher Edley, dean of Cal’s law school, said: “These are three extraordinary jurists.”

Melissa Murray, an assistant professor at the school who once clerked for Sotomayor, said: “She is a role model for any student engaged in the study and practice of law.”

-Bay City News, January 12, 2011

“I believe that over the next 20 years Justice Sotomayor will emerge as a truly central figure in American jurisprudence; she’s that good,” Edley said. “Our students will carry this memory with them for the rest of their lives.”

“Justice Sotomayor is extraordinarily charismatic and uniquely alive in her questioning during oral arguments at the Supreme Court,” said William Fernholz, a faculty member who directs the school’s appellate program.

Christopher Edley Thinks White House Needs to Confront Republicans

Los Angeles Times, November 21, 2010 by Peter Nicholas,0,6992944.story

“You can’t build bipartisanship on preemptive concessions,” Edley said in an interview. “These are bullies who can’t be appeased.” Edley, who also served on Obama’s transition team advisory board, added: “Too much time was squandered pursuing bipartisanship—far beyond the point of a good-faith effort. Repeating the same hopeful approach would be tragic. They need to be open to bipartisanship, but there needs to be a demonstrated interest from the other side.”

Christopher Edley Says Colleges Need to Innovate in Face of Budget Cuts

Inside Higher Ed, November 17, 2010 by Doug Lederman

Christopher Edley Jr., the Berkeley law dean who is leading the California effort and evangelized about it at this week’s meeting, aptly summed up the approach many college leaders take when he described his state’s “business model” for higher education as “faith-based fund raising”: “Everybody sits around and holds hands and says, ‘We are so good; surely next year Sacramento will give us what we deserve.'”

Christopher Edley Backs Top-Tier Online Courses

-The Daily Californian, November 2, 2010 by Noor Al-Samarrai

Edley said in an email that determining questions of quality “requires serious, research-based engagement with the skeptics, while distinguishing those folks from a few implacable obstructionists.”

-San Francisco Chronicle, November 4, 2010 by Nanette Asimov

“The courses should actually be improvements in terms of sophisticated assessments of learning, alternative instructional paths and coaching when needed, amount of required writing, and amount of interaction with teachers,” Edley said.

-The Chronicle of Higher Education, November 15, 2010 by Paul Fain

Mr. Edley said California’s dire finances and the system’s long commitment to educating middle- and lower-income students are the impetus for finding a way to incorporate more online classes. “It’s abundantly clear that the bricks-and-mortar model is unsustainable if we want to preserve our mission,” he said.

Christopher Edley Promotes Online Education at UC Forum

The Daily Californian, October 14, 2010 by Aaida Samad

However, Edley asserted Tuesday that while online education is not a substitute for on-campus instruction, it makes high-quality education more accessible and affordable. “The ambitions that I have relate to building something … that would enable us to offer a UC quality of excellence to a population that simply can’t fit in the bricks and mortar campus we have today,” he said at the forum.

Christopher Edley and David Gamage Discuss Treasury Fellowship

The Daily Californian, October 3, 2010 by Nina Brown

“He will be one of the principal architects of tax policy positions taken by the Treasury Department and the executive branch, especially regarding the personal income tax,” said Christopher Edley, dean of the UC Berkeley School of Law.

“It’s an exciting opportunity to work on important issues,” Gamage said. “Particularly with the health care reform legislation, this is a unique opportunity to work on tax regulatory problems.”

Christopher Edley Believes MLK Jr. Embraced Race-Conscious Affirmative Action

The Chronicle of Higher Education, Innovations Blog, August 17, 2010 by Richard Kahlenberg

Edley argues that as a matter of historical record, “King spoke approvingly of race-conscious affirmative action,” and cites a passage from King’s 1964 book, Why We Can’t Wait, in which King says: “It is impossible to create a formula for the future which does not take into account that our society has been doing something special against the Negro for hundreds of years.”