Deirdre Mulligan

Kenneth Bamberger and Deirdre Mulligan Write Influential Privacy Paper

Chronicle of Data Protection, September 15, 2010 by Eric Bukstein

The Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) announced the papers that were selected as “privacy papers for policy makers” …. These works were deemed by the FPF to be the recent scholarship dealing with privacy issues that will prove most useful to policy makers. The papers that were selected are: Privacy on the Books and on the Ground—Kenneth A. Bamberger and Deirdre K. Mulligan….

Deirdre Mulligan Calls Internet a Powerful Platform for Democracy

San Francisco Chronicle, July 4, 2010 by Jim Dempsey and Deirdre K. Mulligan

In the early days of the Internet, policymakers, advocates, companies and coalitions built a policy architecture to steer the technology toward democratic ends. These policy choices embodied the principles of openness, innovation, interconnection, nondiscrimination, user control, freedom of expression, privacy and trust. It is this symbiosis of technology and policy that produced a platform on which individuals across the globe exercise their democratic muscles.

Kenneth Bamberger and Deirdre Mulligan Advocate for Multi-Stakeholder Privacy Policies

National Telecommunications and Information Administration, April 29, 2010 by Lawrence E. Strickling

As privacy scholars Deirdre Mulligan and Ken Bamberger (University of California, Berkeley I-School and Law School) recently wrote, this type of dynamic, hybrid system in which both private and public stakeholders participate may well yield actual privacy practices that are more responsive to evolving consumer privacy expectations than would a traditional rulemaking system.

Deirdre Mulligan Says Americans Value Privacy Despite Personal Online Posts

Computer World, June 11, 2009 by Michael Fitzgerald

People also ask for photos or videos to be removed from social networking sites, says Deirdre Mulligan…. Individuals and communities have balked at the way Google Maps’ Street View exposes location information. Meanwhile, a 2008 Harris Interactive poll found that 60 percent of Americans were uneasy about having Web content customized for them based on their usage patterns.

Deirdre Mulligan Discusses Breach Notification Law at Seminar with Sen. Simitian

-Wired Threat Level Blog, March 6, 2009 by Kim Zetter

“If you actually got it passed,” she said, “it would be a very big deal.”

-CNET News, March 6, 2009 by Elinor Mills

Of consumers who have been notified that their data may have been exposed during a data breach, 20 percent claim they ended their relationship with the company breached but the actual churn rate is less than 7 percent, said Deirdre Mulligan.

-Wired Threat Level Blog, March 9, 2009 by Kim Zetter

According to Deirdre Mulligan, a professor of information technology law and policy … a Ponemon study found that about 20 percent of respondents claimed to have terminated their relationship with a company after discovering that the company experienced a breach.