Holly Doremus

Holly Doremus Wants EPA to Strengthen Clean Water Act

Inside EPA, December 11, 2009 by John Heltman
http://insideepa.com/ (requires registration; go to G:\Law School in the News\News Clips for article)

“If it decides to revisit the regulations, EPA should do so with an eye to advancing the goals of the Clean Water Act, not just because industry finds the current situation inconvenient,” she wrote.

Holly Doremus Says Delta Water Package Lacks Clout

-Jim Prevor’s Perishable Pundit, November 9, 2009 by Jim Prevor

“These kinds of conflicts are very difficult to solve because they are quite entrenched in history. People have their emotional and financial investments tied up in many ways. And we don’t have institutions to find a way to make the tradeoff that has political support and credibility.”

-The Sacramento Bee, November 15, 2009 by Matt Weiser

“This package does not confront the really tough questions,” said Doremus, co-director of Berkeley’s Center for Law, Energy and Environment. “It’s not going to radically shift anything.”

Holly Doremus Describes Goal of Environmental Blog, Legal Planet

East Bay Express, April 8, 2009 by Robert Gammon

The site was created by UC Berkeley law professor Dan Farber and UCLA law professor Ann Carlson, and it features blog posts from environmental law professors at both universities…. The site is sure to attract attention from attorneys, “but we’re also hoping to do this in a way that speaks to intelligent lay people,” said Holly Doremus, a UC Berkeley environmental law professor and contributor to the blog.

Holly Doremus and Richard Frank Testify on Salmon Peril

The Sacramento Bee, March 11, 2009 by Matt Weiser

“There is, indeed, a salmon crisis in California,” said Holly Doremus, a UC Davis expert on state environmental laws. “We think it’s important to note that this is not new. It’s as if we’ve waited until we’ve had a heart attack to seek medical attention rather than take preventive action.”

“The bottom line is that California wildlife laws are both robust and legally adequate,” said Frank…. “The single largest problem with respect to fisheries is a lack of adequate fiscal and personnel resources at the Department of Fish and Game.”

Holly Doremus Criticizes Supreme Court Navy Sonar Ruling

Slate.com, Nov. 14, 2008 by Holly Doremus

“If the lower court was cavalier about the national-security interest, Roberts was equally so about the environmental interests at stake. He acknowledged the bland possibility of unspecified harm to an unknown number of marine mammals but not the detailed evidence of strandings, ear injuries, the bends, and ‘profound behavioral changes’ that had motivated the lower courts’ conclusions.”

Holly Doremus Analyzes Supreme Court Ruling on Navy Sonar

KPCC-FM (NPR), Nov. 12, 2008, Hosted by Patt Morrison

“The president is the commander-in-chief of the military. If the president says to the military, ‘No you don’t need to perform these exercises,’ that’s his or her prerogative. So it’s not that the military operates without control, it’s that the court in this case can’t exercise this particular type of control. It would have to come through the executive branch or through Congress.”