-The Wall Street Journal, October 3, 2011 by John Yoo
The Yemeni-American cleric killed by a U.S. drone strike on Friday was linked to the attempted bombing of a Northwest Airlines flight over Detroit in 2009, the shooting spree at Fort Hood in Texas that killed 13 that same year, and the near-miss car bombing of Times Square in 2010. Yet, from the howls on the left, you would never know that President Barack Obama had won another victory in the war on terror.
-San Francisco Chronicle, October 11, 2011 by Debra J. Saunders
The Obama White House has failed to make its own snuff memo public. The Times story is based on a leak. That Times story must have felt like deja vu all over again to UC Berkeley law Professor John Yoo…. “I’m glad they’re hypocrites,” Yoo told me.