John Yoo

Opinion Journal: The terrorist surveillance debate

John Yoo interviewed by WSJ Video, Nov. 23, 2015

“What the Paris attacks showed and what the Mumbai attacks had shown before is that a small group of terrorists who can coordinate their actions and get into a major city with light arms can cause enormous death and destruction among civilian targets. What our government and intelligence agencies need to do is to have access in real time to the broadest database of communications possible.”

Gavin Newsom is no Kim Davis

John Yoo quoted in San Francisco Chronicle (registration required), Sept. 9, 2015

“If you’re a state officer, you have an obligation under the Constitution to carry out federal law.” You don’t have to agree with all Supreme Court rulings, Yoo added, you just have to abide by them.

Rand Paul jeopardizes nation by stamping on NSA

John Yoo interviewed for Newsmax TV, June 4, 2015

“What worries me is that the end of the NSA bulk collection program is taking away exactly the kind of tool we need for the kind of attacks we’re going to be getting in the future, which is going to be more dispersed, less like the 9/11 hijackers, and more like the Boston Marathon bombing.”

Justice for Boston

John Yoo interviewed by The Wall Street Journal Opinion, April 9, 2015

“You can’t tell right in the middle of the attack whether it is just a small-time person, a lone-wolf person, or someone who’s part of a bigger Al-Qaeda conspiracy, a bigger terrorist group. I worry that, under the Obama administration, our first instinct and option is to think that of it as law enforcement and civilian rather than keeping all our options open.”

How the U.S. can strengthen economic and military ties with India

John Yoo and Riddhi Dasgupta write for, March 21, 2015

President Barack Obama has finally resumed progress toward one of the most important strategic goals in American foreign policy: strengthening America’s alliance with India. … For the Obama administration and its successor, allying with the world’s largest democracy will represent a welcome seismic shift in the balance of power.