Melissa Murray, Kristin Luker and Jill Adams quoted in Los Angeles Times, March 5, 2015
“There were lots of instructors who were interested in teaching, but the absence of a casebook was a huge deterrent because it means you actually have to compile the materials yourself,” Murray said. “It also suggested that the field was not a field at all because it hadn’t been defined by a book.”
“Reproductive justice,” Luker said, “suggests that having a baby is just as important as the right not to have a baby.”
“The publication of this book signals the legitimacy of the subject matter as an area of study, and also as an area of practice,” said Jill Adams. … “In legal education, these cases and concepts are given very short shrift. It’s a victory to have this subject matter encased in that familiar blue binding on the shelf alongside all the other well-established courses.”