Talha Syed

Google pounces on pawn shop to get its unreleased-edition of Google Glass back

Talha Syed quoted in Contra Costa Times, March 22, 2016

“The sooner it’s out there for others to look at, the more the genie’s out of the bottle in terms of people opening it up and tinkering with it,” said UC Berkeley law school professor Talha Syed, an intellectual property expert. “It makes no sense from a competitive point of view to have the article circulating so that other firms can learn from it and can take advantage of it before you’re making money from it.”

Amy Kapczynski and Talha Syed Think Advocates Can Learn from Human Rights Debate

Intellectual Property Watch, February 19, 2010 by Kaitlin Mara

It is necessary to examine what ‘human rights’ means, said Amy Kapczynski of University of California Berkeley Law School. There are at least three different ways to look at human rights: as an analytic or philosophical framework, as “t-shirt rights” or political claims that are more normative than legal, and as a set of legal structures and commitments, she said.

“Distributive justice is a much more promising approach” than rights, suggested Talha Syed, an assistant professor at the University of California Berkeley Law School, as rights are often associated with “absolutist claims of inviolable interest” which can be impractical.