Jesse Choper Analyzes Supreme Court’s Recent Term

KQED Forum with Michael Krasny, June 26, host John Myers

“When I talk about liberal-leaning justices I certainly don’t mean what we identify as liberal-leaning political figures. There is some overlap, but there is some difference. It is a philosophical approach to interpreting these very broad places in the Constitution which has to be given some context.”

Jesse Fried and Eric Talley Comment on Popularity of Academic Web Site

The Daily Californian, June 25, by Emma Anderson

“(The rankings feature) may have been added as a gimmick to encourage more postings, so you’d get more downloads,” Fried said…. “It got one thousand downloads. Does that make it more scholarly significant? No.”
“It’s not a great barometer,” Talley said. “All you really need is a really provocative title and people will download it only to reach page three and find it’s nothing.”

Nancy Lemon Warns of Confrontation Clause Dangers

-KPCC Los Angeles, Patt Morrison, June 25

“I’m actually concerned because I think this case creates an incentive for batterers to kill their victims. If their victim is still alive, it’s easier for the prosecution to prove that the victim is being kept away. If she’s dead there’s no way to prove that.”

-KGO Talk Radio, 2 pm news hour, June 26, Gil Gross [archive unavailable]

“We need to give prosecutors the tools they need to convict people who kill their partners.”

Joan Hollinger Explains Ramifications of Medical Rights Case

Washington Post, June 19, by Ashley Surdin

Unlike instances in which doctors refuse to perform abortions, this case is unusual in that doctors are seemingly denying services to a select group of patients, said Joan Hollinger…. “The case raises a whole series of questions about the basis for which people can be denied medical treatment, particularly the extent to which gays or lesbians could be denied access to reproductive technology.”