Equal Justice Works offers two webinars for entering students interested in government or public interest work after graduating.
Wednesday, August 10, 1-2 p.m. EST / 10-11 a.m. PST
Wednesday, August 24, 3-4 p.m. EST / 12-1 p.m. PST
Equal Justice Works offers two webinars for entering students interested in government or public interest work after graduating.
Wednesday, August 10, 1-2 p.m. EST / 10-11 a.m. PST
Wednesday, August 24, 3-4 p.m. EST / 12-1 p.m. PST
We are fortunate to have Jason DiLorenzo of GLAdvisor return this semester to make another presentation to Berkeley Law students. He made a very well received presentation at the Class of 2011’s “Tax Day” event. This session will be an expansion on that but is not limited to students going into the private sector. The information will be of value to all students. Please plan to take the time to hear him speak.
A Presentation on How Recent Legislation Can Improve the Economic Value of Your J.D.
Learn what steps you need to take in order to position your debt, tax filing and finances to fully realize the benefits of these pivotal statutory student loan changes.
• An examination of escalating debt levels’ effect in eroding a Law degree’s financial value and how recent events have reversed this trend markedly.
• The steps you need to take in order to maximize the benefits of these new programs and to mitigate the costs of your debt.
• Inherent conflicts of interest and common mistakes people make while navigating these programs and other financial matters.
• Q & A to follow
Please check out our Info Sessions and Webcasts on Student Loan Repayment and Financial Literary.
CDO/FAO event on Wednesday, February 23, at 1:00 pm in 170 Boalt Hall.
Following a presentation about employment qualification for LRAP and the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), a panel of three current LRAP participants will share their experiences and financial perspectives on pursuing legal careers in government and public interest organizations. The presentation will include information about the recently approved “Low Bono” and Union coverage under LRAP for up to seven 2011 graduates.
Re-posted from “LRAP News & Announcements” October 2010:
“LRAP 101” October 20, 2010 lunchtime presentation at Berkeley Law by Sigrid Allen, the Loan Repayment Assistance Porgram Coordinator:
Re-posted from “LRAP News & Announcements” May 2010:
Webcast: Post-Graduate Career Development and Financial Planning for 3Ls incl. health insurance options after graduation (04/20/2010, approx. 1 hr.)
NOTE: The Webcast and slides are intended to assist you with managing the repayment of your student loans and obtaining health insurance as you make the transition from completing law school to obtaining or starting employment. It is general information designed to enable you to be aware of pertinent issues. We advise you not to make important decisions based only on this information. Before you take any action (or decide not to take any action), we urge you to make an appointment with a representative from the Financial Aid Office and/or a representative from the Student Health Insurance Office to obtain an individual assessment of your student loan portfolio/repayment/health insurance options.
Re-posted from “LRAP News & Announcements” February 2010:
A FAO presentation on 2/25/2010 at Berkeley Law on Managing the Repayment of Your Student Loans can be viewed as a webcast here (MP4 Quicktime video). You may also choose to open the accompanying Powerpoint presentation. The presentation covers points that include:
NOTE: The webcast and the slides are intended only to provide you with general information. Please make an appointment with a representative from the Financial Aid Office for an individualized assessment of your student loan portfolio and repayment options through email at LRAP@law.berkeley.edu or financial-aid@law.berkeley.edu.