2012-13 Offer Letters for Continuing Students are Not Yet Complete

This post applies to continuing JD students only.

On Monday, April 23, 2012, many of you received an email notifying you that your 2012-13 financial aid offer is now available on MyFinAid, with instructions on how to access the information.

Unfortunately, the campus released this information in error earlier than scheduled. For many, merit or gift aid has not yet been calculated and the offers on MyFinAid are incomplete.

The law school financial aid office is working to repackage financial aid offers to include the missing awards. The updates will be made over the next week to two weeks. If your financial aid offer is adjusted, you will receive an email from the campus letting you know a change has been made to your financial aid package and to review your offer online at MyFinAid.

In addition, all students receiving a message that they are missing the “Grad/Professional Status Certification” in the “missing documents” section of their MyFinAid should ignore the message. This is an error the campus financial aid office is working to correct.