-PBS NewsHour, June 14, 2010 by Ray Suarez
I think BP is facing a situation where there is enormous distrust about its capability for dealing with this, about its good faith, on the part of a lot of people inside the U.S. government and among the public. I think setting up a fund like this would be very helpful for them, in terms of showing good faith, of assuring people that they are going to take responsibility for what happened. So, I see a lot of reasons for them to do it. Whether they have to do it, though, is something that’s less clear.
-WorkersCompensation.com, June 14, 2010 by Jon L. Gelman
Daniel Farber, director of the environmental law program at the University of California, Berkeley’s Law School highlighted some of the design failures of the past in Federal programs when he stated, “Well, I don’t know if we need a custom-built scheme for BP, but I think that this has shown a genuine problem, both here, but also with other kinds of environmental disasters, with public health disasters, which is that we have a very long litigation process, and people may need help right away.”