Jill Adams

How worried should we be about the nation’s strictest abortion law?

Jill Adams quoted by The Cut, May 7, 2018

“Iowa’s six-week ban on abortion provisions is the latest attempt of many by abortion opponents to enact patently unconstitutional laws in the hopes of teeing up a case that would allow the Supreme Court to strike down Roe v. Wade, and to further their efforts to establish fetal personhood,” Adams said.

Ending the stigma and prosecution of self-administered abortions

Jill Adams and Farah Diaz-Tello quoted by Truthout, June 7, 2017

Adams: “Courts reviewing such prosecutions have generally sided with people who end their own pregnancies. But even though abortion itself is legal, and the US Supreme Court has never authorized arrest for abortion, those who end their own pregnancies may risk unjustified arrest and imprisonment under laws that limit abortion provision to licensed health care workers and that criminalize self-induced abortion.”

Diaz-Tello: “Pregnant women who have lost or ended a pregnancy are treated differently from other people in nearly every medical context. In no other medical context is someone threatened with jail for administering their own medical care. In no medical context would it be acceptable for someone to be subjected to a bedside interrogation with no attorney present as it happened in several of these cases.”

A Dutch website is helping Americans who want to safely end early pregnancies

Jill Adams quoted by Think Progress, May 5, 2017

“While people in the U.S. have been self-inducing abortion with pills safely, effectively and privately, they do so under the looming threat of arrest and prosecution, or detention and deportation,” said Jill Adams. … “Not because self-induced abortion is per se illegal, but because rogue prosecutors have been manipulating and misapplying laws in a modern day witch-hunt.”

Spreading Plan C to end pregnancy

Jill Adams quoted by The New York Times, April 27, 2017

“We’ve discovered 40 different kinds of laws that are potentially implicated when someone ends their own pregnancy,” said Jill E. Adams. … So far, she said, the S.I.A. team has identified 18 arrests related to self-induced abortion around the country, “but I’m afraid that’s just what made the news. I suspect the true number is significantly higher.”

New website offers US women help to perform their own abortions

Jill Adams quoted by The Guardian, April 27, 2017

The law is nothing if not complicated,” said Jill Adams, the chief strategist of the Self-Induced Abortion Legal Team, a project associated with Berkeley Law. … In general, the act of looking for or giving out information about self-inducing an abortion is protected by law, Adams said.

Will Gorsuch send women to jail for abortion?

Jill Adams co-writes for The Hill, March 21, 2017

Gorsuch has demonstrated he will go to extraordinary lengths to block women’s access to basic reproductive health care, even under current jurisprudence. His prior ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby, which allowed the company to deny its employees coverage for contraception, his decision to side with Utah Gov. Gary Herbert’s effort to defund Planned Parenthood, and his writings that criticize the constitutional principles underlying reproductive rights all suggest he would not uphold Roe, if confirmed.

Doctors are being required to tell women about an unproven procedure called “abortion pill reversal”

Jill Adams quoted by BuzzFeed News, March 1, 2017

“Politicians are forcing medical professionals to read scripts that do not necessarily comport with their beliefs or their medical opinions of what will be the best treatment and in the best interest of their patients,” Jill Adams … told BuzzFeed News. “This is yet another step on a path that abortion opponents have been walking and forcing abortion providers to walk for many years now.”