Jill Adams

How to plan an abortion in the surveillance state

Jill Adams quoted by NYMag.com: The Cut, Jan. 25, 2017

“We know that if this culture of surveillance and repression of pregnant people […] is allowed to proliferate, it will target and harm certain vulnerable groups,” says Jill E. Adams, executive director of the Center on Reproductive Rights and Justice at the Berkeley School of Law.

Wombs as crime scenes: What happens when pregnant women lose their civil rights

Jill Adams quoted by Vice, Jan. 23, 2017

“Anna was prosecuted because she sought help and disclosed what happened, and when someone is prosecuted for doing that, that sends a message to other women that medical care won’t be a safe haven for them. We know from history that that kind of dissuasive message has deadly consequences.”

How women deal with unwanted pregnancies when abortion isn’t legal

Jill Adams quoted by Vice, Jan. 3, 2017

“People always want to know about the physical safety of self-induced abortion, but what about the safety of being arrested, of going to prison, of being deported? If people are truly concerned about safety as related to abortion, they ought to be considering how dangerous it can be for people’s physical and emotional health to be ensnared in the legal system.”

The coat hanger comes of age

Jill Adams quoted by ThinkProgress, Dec. 15, 2016

In a society in which abortion, particularly self-induced abortion, is already stigmatized, Adams worries that the coat hanger “may be perpetuating misconceptions about self-induced abortion in the present day that are harmful…Self-induced abortion in 2016 is happening, for the most part, safely, effectively, and privately.”

The activists fighting to legalize DIY abortions

Jill Adams quoted by Vice.com, Dec. 9, 2016

Part of the mission for the SIA Legal Team, Adams explains, is “to work toward a future in which everyone has legal and actual access to self-directed and provider-directed options, when they’re choosing the setting, the method, the companion, and the timing of the abortion that’s right for them.”

Tennessee woman pleads not guilty to charges in self-induced abortion case

Jill Adams quoted by Rewire, Nov. 30, 2016

Jill Adams …  told Rewire that Yocca’s case is a “first-of-its-kind prosecution” that is not supported by the language of the law or by the state constitution. “Ms. Yocca’s situation happened to transpire in the only two-year period in which Tennessee had a law on the books that permitted pregnant people to be prosecuted for negative pregnancy outcomes,” Adams said.

Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion

Jill Adams quoted by The Guardian, Nov. 22, 2016

“Prosecutions for self-induced abortion are an abuse of the criminal justice system,” said Jill Adams, the chief strategist of the SIA Legal Team. “Once a woman has decided to end a pregnancy, she should be able to do so safely and effectively. Women who self-administer abortion need to be supported, not seized. Abortion, whether self-directed or provider-directed, is a private experience.”

Should women perform their own abortions?

Jill Adams cited by Cosmopolitan, Oct. 3, 2016

According to Jill Adams, a lawyer and the chief strategist for the Self-Induced Abortion (SIA) Legal Team, there are 40 different types of laws in the United States that prosecutors could use to target women who self-induce, or anyone who helps them, ranging from the unauthorized practice of medicine to drug trafficking to child abuse.