Let’s talk about how some women can get the Zika virus, but not an abortion

Jill Adams quoted on Revelist, Feb. 4, 2016

“Common sense and compassion would dictate that governments ensure access to contraception and abortion in light of such a public health crisis as the Zika virus. Meaningful access would require the lifting of criminal bans and restrictions on abortion provision, as well as public education campaigns and the establishment of community clinics in rural and urban areas with fully funded reproductive health care.”

UC-Berkeley students sue Google, alleging their emails were illegally scanned

Christopher Jay Hoofnagle quoted by The Washington Post, Feb. 1, 2016

“Google could use information it gleans from the messages for its own purposes – purposes it does not have to disclose to us,” Hoofnagle said. “In effect, Google could act as an intelligence agency, deeply mining relationships and ideas among groups of people,” such as new inventions students and staff at Berkeley are developing.

UC Berkeley students file lawsuit against Google alleging illegal scanning of emails

Christopher Hoofnagle quoted in The Daily Californian, Jan. 31, 2016

“(The data mining) would allow Google to understand the meaning of all of our communications: the identities of the people with whom we collaborate, the compounds of drugs we are testing, the next big thing we are inventing,” Hoofnagle wrote. “Imagine the creative product of all of Berkeley combined, scanned by a single company’s ‘free’ email system.”