Without water, work or homes: Farm laborers displaced by drought

Maria Echeveste interviewed by San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 18, 2015

“The drought has all of California’s attention,” said Maria Echeveste. … “But everyone putting food on their table for the holidays should know there’s a farmworker somewhere who picked it and probably doesn’t have a lot to eat or adequate housing and is going to have a very wet, cold winter.”

Trying to force the S.E.C.’s hand on high-speed trading

Robert P. Bartlett III and Justin McCrary write for The New York Times, Dec. 18, 2015

Media attention to latency arbitrage might be novel, but the issue is hardly a new one; investors have voiced concerns about exchanges’ preferential distribution of market data since at least 1975. In light of the S.E.C.’s unwillingness to take any action, IEX and its backers simply took matters into their own hands.

Should Cruz’s Canadian birth keep him off ballot?

John Yoo interviewed by HeraldNet, Dec. 16, 2015

“The Constitution requires the president to be a ‘natural-born citizen.’ But no one is sure what it means. It’s never been the subject of a definitive judicial ruling.” Yoo thinks the term applies to citizens “born in the territory of the United States.”

Wearing an electronic monitoring device might be worse than jail time

Franklin Zimring and Kate Weisburd quoted in Pacific Standard, Dec. 15, 2015

Beyond the cyclical criminalization that the device provokes, its rules and circumstances clash with the infrastructure of the teenage mind. “Expecting the experience-based ability to resist impulses … to be fully formed prior to age 18 or 19 would seem on present evidence to be wishful thinking,” says Berkeley law professor Frank Zimring.

Weisburd recommends community-based programming. “In Oakland there were Evening Reporting Centers at local non-profits,” she says, “the youth were kept busy, off the streets, got good programming, and there was no need at all for electronic monitoring.”

Raiders won’t reveal their case for leaving Oakland

Stephen Sugarman interviewed by San Jose Mercury News, Jan. 6, 2016

Stephen Sugarman questioned the NFL’s interpretation of its rules but said that fans and cities such as Oakland had no legal standing to demand the Raiders release their reasons for seeking to leave town. “The whole idea of having a sensible criteria set out in advance is … to avoid another antitrust battle between the league and the team seeking to relocate — as happened with the Raiders in the past.”

Inaction on global warming is as reckless as drunken driving

Daniel Farber writes for The Washington Post, Jan. 5, 2016

You might question comparing carbon emissions to ordinary careless behavior. It’s certainly true that identifying who is the injured party in a car accident is easier than defining who is suffering from the additional boost our own actions are giving climate change. But how can we justify carelessly harming others simply because it is difficult to identify who will be hurt?