Ex-officer convicted in Matthew Ajibade case allowed to serve time on weekends

Andrea Roth quoted in The Guardian, Nov. 9, 2015

“It is the type of creative sentence that in one sense seems a great reform move because it allows people to serve time while keeping their jobs, thus promoting re-entry and life stability,” said Andrea Roth. … “One would hope, however, that all defendants, and not just sheriff’s deputies, would get the benefit of such creative sentencing practices.”

Clash of former clients puts Orrick in hot spot

Bruce Budner quoted in The Recorder (registration required), Nov. 4, 2015

Large firm conflict systems usually involve inputting “a pretty robust set of information” to make sure firms don’t “unwittingly take on conflicting representations,” Budner added. “But there’s no perfect system for detecting every conflict.”

Why are Asian-Americans such loyal democrats?

Taeku Lee quoted in The New York Times, Nov. 4, 2015

“Today’s Asian Americans are not only liberal on the expected issues like health care reform, immigration reform, and educational reform, but they also seem to espouse liberal views across a wide range of unexpected issue areas like environmental politics, affirmative action, and the like.”

Shareholders vote with their dollars to have less of a say

Steven Davidoff Solomon writes for The New York Times, Nov. 4, 2015

The same shareholders who repeatedly assert that they care about corporate governance and are for a shareholder voice do not seem to care about that voice at the initial offering stage. Perhaps this says a lot about how much shareholders value their vote, and it may be very little.

Getting the Ph.D. was the easy part

Mary Ann Mason cited in Inside Higher Ed, Oct. 30, 2015

Mary Ann Mason of the University of California at Berkeley has written extensively about the trials faced by postdoctoral (and professorial) mothers. She notes that women pay a baby penalty. Men don’t. In fact, they often get a baby boost.