For a safer America, curtail traffic stops

Christopher Kutz writes for Los Angeles Times, August 13, 2015

“Curtailing traffic stops wouldn’t solve the problem of police violence against blacks and Latinos, but it would reduce exposure to ‘driving while black’ harassment and the collateral harms of the legal process. … And all citizens could enjoy more freedom from overzealous and unproductive policing.”

The crimes of children

Franklin Zimring cited in The Atlantic, August 10, 2015

Research by criminologist and Berkeley law professor Franklin Zimring found that juveniles with five or more non-sex-related arrests on their record are twice as likely to be arrested for sex crimes in adulthood as juveniles who did commit sex offenses but had fewer than five total arrests for any crime.

America placed whites above blacks—and built a whole society around it

john a. powell quoted on Raw Story, August 10, 2015

“Through our practices, through our culture, and certainly through our policing, we send a message every day that black lives don’t matter,” he said. In the way we call white neighborhoods “good” areas and black neighborhoods “bad,” powell said that “we have institutionalized fear of the racial other and arranged society around it.”