The Dominican Republic must stop expulsions of Haitians

Roxanna Altholz and Laurel E. Fletcher write for The New York Times, July 5, 2015

For decades, Haitians and their progeny have served as a scapegoat for Dominican politicians who blame them for poverty, disease and crime. The Dominican Republic should put a halt to the sporadic roundups and summary expulsions. If it doesn’t, the international community must step in.

Supreme vitriol in high court’s dissent

Jesse Choper quoted in San Francisco Chronicle, July 4, 2015

Choper said the current court consists of nine justices who are “all very smart, and they write strong opinions.” They also are, he added, “highly polarized and highly partisan” even as they profess to “get along famously” on a personal level.

Berkeley professor digs deep into links between cops and crime rates

Justin McCrary interviewed for KQED-FM, July 2, 2015

“The goal that we had was to look back over the past half century of U.S. experience with respect to police hiring … trying to understand the extent to which it’s true that police get hired in idiosyncratic years versus years that are, for example, associated with fears about an upcoming crime wave. And what we largely determined is that there seems to be a lot of idiosyncrasy with respect to police hiring.”

States snub execution drug approved by Supreme Court

Jennifer Moreno quoted in The New York Times, June 30, 2015

“I don’t think that the Supreme Court’s stamp of approval cures the deficiencies with this drug,” said Jennifer Moreno.… “The drug has proven itself to not do what people thought it was going to do. Any of the department officials who are following this and have looked at the science would be very right to be nervous to include this drug.”