Improving customer access to energy data can cut costs, protect environment

Ethan Elkind quoted on, January 23, 2015

“Facilitating access to energy and market data—which can now be anonymized and aggregated without compromising customer privacy—can enable a host of more efficient and cleaner energy solutions, while also making it more economical for California to reach Gov. Brown’s climate change goals.”

Abortion law: Roe was right, but McRae was wrong

Jill Adams and Jessica Arons write for Ms., January 22, 2015

It is because of the court’s quick retreat in McRae from its own precedent in Roe that the debate around abortion rights has lingered for so long, flaring up with every new federal and state limit and every lawsuit challenging them. In short, it is largely because of McRae that Roe is no longer a reality for so many women and, frankly, hasn’t been for years.

Supreme Court trims federal appeals court’s authority in patent cases

Peter Menell quoted in Daily Journal (registration required), January 21, 2015

“This decision creates a clear pathway for better information to enter the record in patent cases and for more sound claim construction decisions,” Menell said. “Many district judges have not taken expert testimony on the record, nor have they provided detailed explanations for why they construe a claim one way or another.”

The secret history of the GOP’s new abortion ban

Jill Adams quoted in Mother Jones, January 21, 2015

“All of these different tactics, all of these different theoretical persuasions, they’re all linked,” says Adams. “The original 20-week bans, or efforts to pass those bans, were predicated not on the notion that a fetus was pain-capable, but the desire to make abortions as difficult to procure—and ultimately impossible to procure—as possible.”

Shareholders face quandary in battle for Family Dollar

Steven Davidoff Solomon writes for The New York Times, January 20, 2015

Dollar General’s bid offered more money, but less certainty, leaving Family Dollar shareholders with a quandary: favoring the higher bid might leave them with nothing if they rejected the Dollar Tree deal and Dollar General’s deal was blocked on antitrust grounds.

A daughter walks in her mother’s footsteps

Tirien Angela Steinbach writes for CELA VOICE, January 19, 2015

I share this story as a call to us all, J.B.’s call that my mother answered, “to go home, our people need us.”  And home is not only our home, but the streets and jails and prisons and homeless shelters and veterans homes and community centers and clinics and legal aids and public defender offices and all places we are needed to advocate for justice.