Migrants’ daughter could freshen U.S.-Mexico relations

Maria Echaveste cited in San Antonio Express News, September 21, 2014

Echaveste brings a rare background and impressive skill set to the job. In the White House, she managed education, civil rights, immigration and bankruptcy reform policy initiatives. She oversaw issues relating to Mexico and Latin America and took particular interest in those involving the U.S. Latino population.

Used batteries might help California store renewable energy

Ethan Elkind quoted in Scientific American, September 19, 2014

“California is perfectly positioned to be the leader in the country, if not the world,” Elkind said. About 40 percent of the nation’s electric vehicles are in California. The state just passed 100,000 registered plug-in EVs. There’s a need for storage because of the growing amount of renewable power, and utilities must comply with the storage mandate, he said.

Obama nominates US envoys to Mexico, India

Maria Echaveste cited in Associated Press, September 18, 2014

Echaveste was White House deputy chief of staff from 1998 to 2001. Before that she was the administrator of the Wage and Hour Division of the Labor Department. She is a senior adviser to NVG, a government relations firm she founded.

Obama is defying the Constitution on war

John Yoo report cited in The Washington Post, September 17, 2014

Liberals who favor tolerating other views seem amazed that there are other views. Such as the argument from John Yoo — a Berkeley law professor who served in Bush’s administration — that  because presidents are “vested with all of the executive power of the federal government,” they are empowered “to initiate military hostilities to protect the national security.”

Even without Tesla, electric car batteries can boost state

Ethan Elkind writes for The Sacramento Bee, September 17, 2014

While Californians will eventually benefit from Tesla’s success with the Nevada gigafactory, we shouldn’t grow complacent about the possibilities here. The opportunities from repurposed batteries are simply too important for both our economic and environmental bottom line.

Three myths plus a few best practices for achieving diversity

Victoria Plaut writes for Scientific American, September 16, 2014

No matter how sincere the goal setting, merely caring about diversity is not enough. Although there is no simple or perfect recipe to translate these sentiments into action and results, organizations are more likely to attract and retain diverse talent when they are smart and persistent in their outreach, nourish a sense of belonging, and put in place people who are accountable for—and monitor—diversity.

Google has been scanning users’ emails

Christopher Hoofnagle quoted in Pacific Daily News, September 16, 2014

It turns out that Google, which bases its business on collecting and analyzing huge reams of data for advertising purposes, has been scanning users’ emails even before users have a chance to open or read them, including email messages that are deleted without being opened.