Will affluent Oaklanders support renewal of anti-crime tax?

Franklin Zimring interviewed by KQED-FM News, April 29, 2014

“You cannot assume that it’s a zero sum game between private security and public security,” Zimring says. “It may be that the people who care about community safety are willing to invest in both directions.”

How Brown v. Board of Education succeeded—and how it didn’t

Richard Rothstein EPI blog reprinted by the The Washington Post, April 24, 2014

The Brown decision focused the nation’s attention on black subjugation in a fashion not seen since Radical Republicans attempted to reconstruct the South after the Civil War. Brown’s 1954 success in highlighting the nation’s racial caste system gave encouragement to a wave of freedom rides…. But Brown was unsuccessful in its purported mission—to undo the school segregation that persists as a modal characteristic of American public education today.

Berkeley’s acting dean to take Columbia job

Susan Gluss quoted in The Recorder, April 23, 2014 (registration required)

“It’s bittersweet for us. It’s a great opportunity for acting dean Lester,” spokeswoman Susan Gluss said. “We’re always happy when a member of our incredibly talented community is offered a new challenge. But she will be missed.”

New criteria for clemency opens up application process for federal inmates

Barry Krisberg interviewed by KPCC-FM, Take Two, April 22, 2014

“We enacted all these laws, mistakenly thinking that this was going to deter drug use, and it didn’t. Now people are looking at those sentences and saying that they were wildly disproportionate, that they use up a tremendous amount of incarceration costs, and that we really need to do something different if we want to reduce drug use in American society.”

Measuring California’s impact from affirmative action ban

Jesse Choper quoted on ABC 7 News, April 22, 2014

“This court, the five-justice majority, is very wary of upholding any racial preferences,” said Jesse Choper…. At Cal, black students are among the most underrepresented. “I don’t think there is any question that at Berkeley it does [matter] for African Americans. You have a very small representation,” said Choper.

Linking the Los Angeles airport

Ethan Elkind quoted in The New York Times, April 21, 2014

Ethan N. Elkind, author of “Railtown,” which chronicles the push for a modern rail system in Los Angeles, said in an interview that a connection would be unlikely to transform the way Angelenos travel to the airport. “It would be more of a psychological victory, a way to reshape the image of Los Angeles,” said Mr. Elkind.

Law schools increasingly funding graduates’ jobs

Terrence Galligan quoted in Daily Journal, April 21, 2014 (registration required)

UC Berkeley had a program a couple of years ago that funded graduates for just four months. But that turned out to create “a perverse incentive” for the graduates to keep looking and take the first job they found, said Terrence J. Galligan…. In the last few years, the market changed as well… “A prospective student might wonder, “Why should I go to Berkeley if at the back end I’m not as protected” as someone graduating from a different school, he said. So this year, Berkeley reorganized and expanded its public interest fellowships program.

New Hampshire Senate votes to repeal anti-adultery law

Melissa Murray quoted in USA Today, April 17, 2014

In practical terms, committing adultery poses very little threat of prosecution, but it could have civil consequences, such as impacting custody battles during a divorce, says Melissa Murray…. “There’s a stigma attached to adultery,” Murray tells USA TODAY Network. “The fact that it is a crime maintains that stigma.”