Arcata double homicide suspect pleads not guilty

Franklin Zimring quoted in The Times-Standard, May 22, 2013

“It’s a complicated game in California,” Zimring said. “California and nationally, the number of capital trials and death sentence verdicts has been going down over the past decade. In part, that’s a matter of cost because local governments have been under financial pressure. In part, that’s a function of lower homicide rates, and in part, that’s a function of less enthusiasm for capital outcomes.”

IRS scandal highlights leadership vacancies

Anne Joseph O’Connell quoted in CBS News, May 21, 2013

With time, the numbers are only getting worse, O’Connell told The Obama administration has been relatively slow to announce nominees, and the confirmation process has grown slower. “Both the White House and the Senate need to move faster,” she said. “We have a country to govern and few people to do it.”

Why Americans should worry about China’s food safety problems

Stanley Lubman writes for The Wall Street Journal, China Real Time Report, May 21, 2013

If a diner in the U.S. consumes a lunch of tilapia, mushrooms and spinach, there’s a decent chance the entire meal was imported from China. And the overwhelming odds are that none of those foods were inspected by the Food and Drug Administration when they arrived in the U.S.

Oakland police struggle to rebuild — using fewer resources

Franklin Zimring quoted in Los Angeles Times, May 18, 2013

When Bratton took charge in 2002, the LAPD was struggling with high crime and a federal consent decree, UC Berkeley criminal-justice expert Franklin Zimring recently told the Oakland City Council. Now community trust is up, and L.A.’s crime reduction success is “second only to New York.”

Ivory tower playing catch up to be family friendly

Mary Ann Mason’s book cited in University of Utah News Center, May 16, 2013

That is just one finding in a new book – “Do Babies Matter? Gender and Family in the Ivory Tower” – by Mary Ann Mason…. The book builds on a decade of research and sheds new light on a well-known but as yet unsolved problem: women are far less likely than men to have careers in higher education.

Obama climate agenda faces Supreme Court reckoning

Daniel Farber quoted in Reuters, May 16, 2013

“It’s very convoluted,” said Daniel Farber, an environmental law professor at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law. “The court typically doesn’t like all this complicated stuff.”

Hayward police shooting raises questions

Franklin Zimring quoted in The Oakland Tribune, May 15, 2013

Whether Troche was justified in shooting at the car depends on what kind of risk the officer and his passenger faced, said Franklin Zimring, UC Berkeley School of Law professor. Because there was only one way out of the parking lot, it could be argued that Pakman was trying to leave, not strike the officer, Zimring said. “I wouldn’t want to be the Police Department’s liability insurer, but the question of sequence and the officer’s perceptions are going to be the issue,” he said.

Assembly fracking hearing looks at impacts to water quality

Jayni Foley Hein, Michael Kiparsky quoted in Association of California Water Agencies, May 14, 2013

“Once fracking has been conducted, its effects may be impossible to reverse,” Kiparsky said, adding that “the science remains uncertain, particularly in the face of technology that is rapidly evolving.”

Jayni Foley Hein … added that the regulations put forward in DOGGR’s discussion draft are currently not as robust as those found in other states. She said improvements are needed to the public notice process pertaining to fracking operations, as well as disclosure about “trade-secret” fracking chemicals.

Fracking in state needs close oversight

Jayni Foley Hein, Michael Kiparsky write for San Francisco Chronicle, May 12, 2013 (registration required)

New fracturing techniques combined with demand for oil have led to alarming projections of dramatically increased fracking activity in California. Such developments may have outstripped the ability of responsible government agencies to effectively oversee fracking activity and its attendant impacts on our land, air and water resources.