Where did all the patent trolls go?

Robert Merges cited by Daily Journal (registration required), Dec. 20, 2017

Robert Merges … started arguing in late 2015 that there had been enough patent reform to address the existing problems, and that we needed to pause to let the changes take effect.

Getting rid of predatory judges

Catherine Crump writes for The New York Times, Dec. 19, 2017

The judiciary should make clear, to clerks and judges alike, that a judge’s inappropriate sexual conduct and comments are not covered by the job’s confidentiality obligations. It should also provide better complaint mechanisms for federal clerks, about half of whom are women.

10 memorable leadership stories from 2017

Lauren Edelman quoted by The Washington Post, Dec. 18, 2017

“In most cases, employers are creating these policies more to protect themselves than to protect employees,” said Lauren Edelman. … “We don’t know when harassment training is effective, and we have reason to believe that maybe it’s counterproductive in some cases.”