-KPIX-TV, February 6, 2012 Host Allen Martin
There is validity in the argument that … striking down Prop 8 would be a victory for equal protection. “And that is to say, this proposition evidenced hostility or an effort that shows dislike for a minority group—and that is gays and lesbians. If you can show that, then the court says there is no rational basis, it is hostility…. therefore, it is pretty much automatically unconstitutional.”
-Reuters, February 8, 2012 by Peter Henderson and Dan Levine
Jesse Choper, a University of California, Berkeley, Constitutional law professor disagreed that the ruling would affect whether the high court took the case. However, the Supreme Court justices also might prefer a chance to limit any ruling to California, he said.
-The Christian Science Monitor, February 8, 2012 by Daniel B. Wood
“The chances of them taking it are very high,” he says. “The issue is the striking down of a vote by people in the biggest state in the country on a very controversial issue that everyone is watching.”
-San Francisco Chronicle, February 8, 2012 by Debra J. Saunders
“It’s simply one step along the way,” opined Jesse Choper, a UC Berkeley law professor.