Barry Krisberg Denounces Life Sentences for Youth

KPCC-FM, Air Talk, November 8, 2011 Host Larry Mantle

“There is an emerging consensus around the country that this is cruel and unusual punishment. Even where it’s authorized by statute, it almost is never done, which is the definition of ‘unusual.’ Second, the US is almost alone around the world in using punishment like this for children. So, there is an international emerging sense of decency that needs to be considered.”

Jesse Choper Thinks Conservative Justices Are Narrowing Privacy Definitions

Los Angeles Times, November 7, 2011 by Carol J. Williams,0,1838488.story

The Supreme Court’s 5-4 majority of Republican-appointed justices tends to support law enforcement over privacy protection, and the 9th Circuit, although still dominated by appointees of Democratic presidents, has seen its liberal majority diluted by more moderate nominations by President Clinton and stalwart conservatives named to the court by President George W. Bush, Choper said.

Ian Haney-López Criticizes Restriction of Civil Rights Laws

The New York Times, November 2, 2011 by Ian Haney-López

Today’s narrow focus on isolated victims, rightly decried by Mr. Ford, does not reflect a failure of vision by civil rights leaders. Instead, it stems from four decades of efforts by conservative judges and justices (reflecting the preferences of the politicians who appointed them) to restrictively construe civil rights laws to ensure that they challenge discrimination barely at all.

Jason Schultz Says Websites Avert Child Privacy Law

-POLITICO Pro, November 1, 2011 by Michelle Quinn (registration required; go to H:\Law School in the News\In the News 2011\News Clips for article)

“Parents are very concerned about privacy and Internet safety but they don’t want age-based restrictions as part of the approach,” he said. “We say that there should be privacy protections, but they shouldn’t be based on any demographic or category for age.”

-San Francisco Chronicle, November 3, 2011 by Amy Graff

“Overwhelmingly, parents believe that they should have the final say about what their child can do online,” the study authors wrote. “When asked who should have final say about whether or not their child should be able to access online services, 93 percent of parents indicated that they themselves should.”