Franklin Zimring Raises Concerns About Ubiquitous Police Cameras

The Reason, October 12, 2011 by Jacob Sullum

If a police officer is taking a picture of every interaction, one of the things that he may find is me, naked as a jaybird, when my wife calls to complain. Let’s assume that it’s either against the law or not, but I sure don’t want it on YouTube. The potential for a sort of permanent embarrassment is a looming presence when everything is filmed.

Jennifer Granholm Lands New TV Show

-The Baltimore Sun, October 12, 2011 by David Zurawik

“THE WAR ROOM will be a nightly show for political junkies like me and anyone who cares about the future of our country, focusing on the 2012 election from all angles.  As a former governor, I want to take the viewers backstage to the great American drama that is democracy.”

-Associated Press, October 12, 2011 by Frazier Moore

“I’m really interested in solutions,” Granholm said. “We’ll be taking a deeper dive to solutions to the most pressing problems out there.”