Robert Sproul Witnesses Egyptian Protests

-The Wall Street Journal, January 31, 2011 by Charles Levinson (registration required; go to H:\Law School in the News\In the News 2011\News Clips for article)

“There was no way I was going to give up my front-row seat on the revolution to sit in a mall in the suburbs and wait for a plane out of here,” said Mr. Sproul, who sits on the board of Save the Redwoods and speaks wistfully of his desire to see U.S. youths protest income inequality and “unjust wars” in Iraq and Afghanistan.

-KTVU, January 31, 2011 by Amber Lee

Sproul says he took his camera and went outside to join some journalists to see what was going on. “The police were clearly outnumbered by the protesters, so for three hours this went back and forth across the bridge with tear gas and rubber bullets and eventually live ammunition being fired.”

Franklin Zimring Thinks It’s Premature to Predict Bay Area Crime Rate

San Francisco Chronicle, January 29, 2011 by Heather Knight

Though city officials are taking note of the number of homicides, it’s far too early in the year to worry, according to Franklin Zimring…. “It’s the height of hysteria to start making long-range predictions or having long-range anxieties when last year’s (five)… homicides are this year’s eight homicides,” he said.

Stanley Lubman Welcomes Law to Reduce Home Demolitions in China

The Wall Street Journal, China Real Time Report, January 29, 2011 by Stanley Lubman

Last week, the State Council published a regulation that would end the power of local governments to order demolition of urban residences and require disputed cases to be decided by courts. The change in the law reflects a responsiveness to the public that will be welcomed by many residents, although it remains to be seen whether implementation will be effective.

Ty Alper Expects Challenges to Lethal Injection Drug

The Associated Press, January 28, 2011 by Andrew Welsh-Huggins, Greg Bluestein, and Thomas Watkins

“You can’t just switch pentobarbital for sodium thiopental and proceed as if nothing has changed,” said Ty Alper, the associate director of the death penalty clinic at the University of California-Berkeley. “There’s likely to be litigation and courts will have to satisfy themselves that it will result in a humane execution.”

Christopher Hoofnagle Says Privacy Self-Regulation Falls Flat

-The Daily Online Examiner, January 27, 2011 by Wendy Davis

“We’ve tried voluntary codes for over a decade now, and in the privacy field, it hasn’t gone too well,” writes Berkeley Law’s Chris Hoofnagle. “In the absence of substantive privacy law, commercial data brokers created the very citizen databases that the Privacy Act of 1974 sought to prevent. The government can simply buy data on its citizens now instead of collecting it directly.”

-National Journal, Tech Daily Dose, January 28, 2011 by Juliana Gruenwald

Noting that FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz has pushed Congress to provide the FTC with greater rulemaking authority, Hoofnagle said in his comments that, “The Department of Commerce should support these initiatives in order to bolster its narrative surrounding FTC enforcement.”

Franklin Zimring Corroborates NYPD Crime Reports

The Wall Street Journal, NY Crime blog, January 25, 2011 by Sean Gardiner

Zimring said his research found that over the past 20 years, New York City’s crime rate reduction is twice the national average and has lasted twice as long. And what is especially impressive about that crime drop is that since 1990 the number of people police locked up from New York City has declined by 28% while nationally the incarceration figure has gone up 65%.

Ann O’Leary Wants Policies that Accommodate Working Families

Webmaster Radio, Purse Strings, January 25, 2011 Host Maria Reitan

“We’ve laid an important groundwork, and the administration is beginning to do some simple but important things such as collecting good data, so that we know what’s happening with workers in the United States: when are they taking family leave, how is it impacting their family economic security, what’s happening with workplace flexibility, how can we do a better job to highlight some of those issues?”

Christopher Edley Says Granholm a Role Model for Students

-Oakland Tribune, January 24, 2011 by Josh Richman

“We teach our students how to apply their studies to solve the most intractable real world problems. Governor Granholm is a role model in this arena. She’s a distinguished policy expert who’s charted a new course for Michigan through hard work and innovation.”

-The Detroit News, January 25, 2011 by Karen Bouffard

“We are simply delighted that a governor of this caliber and expertise with such a strong legacy has agreed to teach here,” Berkeley Law Dean Christopher Edley said in Granholm’s release.

-The Daily Californian, January 26, 2011 by Alisha Azevedo

Edley said the law school is “especially excited about her determination to be involved in issues of energy, environment, and technology—major elements of our curriculum and research.”