-The National Law Journal, October 25, 2010 by Karen Sloan
Conference organizer Charles Halpern … said that the legal profession is becoming more open to the benefits of meditation. “At one time it seemed very exotic, but interest in law and meditation has been growing for a decade,” said Halpern…. “Courses have been showing up in law schools across the country, there have been CLE courses on this and gathering of lawyers focusing on meditation.”
-San Francisco Chronicle, October 29, 2010 by Debra Levi Holtz
Halpern, who began meditating nearly 30 years ago and now practices it at least five days a week, said he hopes that all law schools will teach contemplative practices like meditation in the future. “People will be less stressed, lead more balanced lives and realize they will be more effective lawyers if they are better people,” said Halpern.