Richard Frank Applauds Law Firm’s New Green Practice in Bay Area

Sacramento Business Journal, February 12, 2010 by Mark Anderson (requires registration; go to G:\Law School in the News\News Clips for article)

“It is a savvy move on Downey Brand’s part,” said Rick Frank, lecturer in residence at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law. “Renewable energy and green technology are growing fields, and the Bay Area is ground zero for those practice areas. It is a very timely move and part of a very thoughtful strategy.”

Stanley Lubman Questions U.S. Policy Linking China’s Internet Censorship to Human Rights

The Wall Street Journal, February 10, 2010 by Stanley Lubman

The Obama Administration should temper the human rights rhetoric it directs at China’s censorship of the Internet and restrain any hopes it might have that the Internet can soon expand the impact of democratic ideas on China’s netizens, even while encouraging as best it can China’s ongoing opening to the outside world.

John Yoo Defends Harsh Laws Against Terrorists

-Real Clear Politics, February 7, 2010 Host Fareed Zakaria

I think, actually, a lot of the confusion in the foreign policy community, in the United States and other countries, is that for the first time we’ve confronted this kind of enemy, and we’re actually trying to develop a regime of legal rules that actually apply to them.

-The New York Times, February 10, 2010 by Adam Liptak

Allowing any sort of contributions to terrorist organizations “simply because the donor intends that they be used for ‘peaceful’ purposes directly conflicts with Congress’s determination that no quarantine can effectively isolate ‘good’ activities from the evil of terrorism.”

-The Oakland Tribune, February 11, 2010 by Elizabeth Pfeffer

Yoo’s response to accusations that he provided the Bush administration with justifications for using torture has been that he only set the limits of what would be crossing the line. That line, according to Yoo, can be interpreted differently by the president depending on national security.

-San Mateo Daily Journal, February 12, 2010 by Bill Silverfarb

“I have no problem debating people who disagree with me. That’s how you determine what is right, ultimately,” Yoo told the Daily Journal.

Susan Gluss Explains Spike in Berkeley Law Applications

California Watch, February 5, 2010 by Erica Perez

Gluss attributed the rise, in part, to the tendency of more people to apply for graduate school during a recession, and in part, to Berkeley’s enhanced loan forgiveness program for students who work for nonprofit public interest groups or government agencies and earn below a certain threshold.