-Publishers Weekly, February 1, 2010 by Andrew Richard Albanese
University of California, Berkley law professor Pamela Samuelson, in a brief filed last week on behalf of over 100 academic authors, many of them legal scholars, argued that the Authors Guild and its members “do not share the interests, professional commitments or values of academic authors.”
-San Jose Mercury News, February 4, 2010 by Mike Swift
“The future of public access to the cultural heritage of mankind embodied in books is too important to leave in the hands of one company and one registry that will have a de facto monopoly,” Samuelson and the group of academics argued.
-Palo Alto Online, February 5, 2010 by Susan Kostal
“Until the U.S. Justice Department says this is a clear antitrust problem, I don’t think the judge will find there are antitrust problems,” Samuelson said.