Holly Doremus Wants EPA to Strengthen Clean Water Act

Inside EPA, December 11, 2009 by John Heltman
http://insideepa.com/ (requires registration; go to G:\Law School in the News\News Clips for article)

“If it decides to revisit the regulations, EPA should do so with an eye to advancing the goals of the Clean Water Act, not just because industry finds the current situation inconvenient,” she wrote.

Ethan Elkind Promotes the Potential of Local, Renewable Energy Sites

San Francisco Chronicle, December 9, 2009 by Nancy Skinner and Ethan Elkind

There are prime locations in our cities and developed areas that have significant potential for renewable power generation. These include rooftops of large buildings and the land along our highways, as well as the canals, pipelines and other infrastructure that make up the California aqueduct.

Pamela Samuelson Influences Google Book Search Debate

Publishers Weekly, December 7, 2009 by Andrew Richard Albanese

Samuelson’s criticism captures the conflict at the heart of this deal: should the parties be allowed to possibly bend the law because of the settlement’s potential cultural benefits? No, Samuelson insists. “Arguments that the settlement is in the public interest should be directed to Congress, not the courts,” she writes. “The GBS class action settlement would set a dangerous precedent and undermine democratic values.”

Ty Alper Remains Wary of Ohio’s One-Drug Execution Method

ABC News, December 7, 2009 by Arianna De Vogue and Dennis Powell

Alper still sees problems with the system. “Ohio still hasn’t solved the problem of IV access, and given Ohio’s difficulty in accessing inmates’ veins that remains a serious concern. Our main concern is that if they can’t establish IV access then they have to use the back up plan which is a complete unknown.”

Kenneth Bamberger Notes Gravity of Lawsuit against Cellphone Industry

The New York Times, December 6, 2009 by Matt Richtel

“This is a compelling type of legal claim,” said Kenneth A. Bamberger, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law. “It deals with the widespread use of a product we now know is involved in significant risk and deals with the ultimate question of who should contribute in minimizing the risk.”