-NBC Today, October 20, 2009 Hosts Al Roker and Natalie Morales
“Parents feel like this is their own private struggle and it’s so frustrating for them. They’re afraid to go to their employer and say, ‘Listen, I need some flexibility, or I need to know when I’m going to work.’ We’re the only industrialized country that doesn’t have paid maternity leave and we’re one of just a handful that doesn’t have paid parental leave for fathers.”
-KCRW, Which Way, L.A.? October 21, 2009 Host Warren Olney
“One of the things that has changed so much is not only that women are half the workforce, but also mothers are breadwinners in two-thirds of families, meaning they’re making as much or more than their husbands, but they’re doing it on their own, or they’re contributing significantly to the family income. So, as you suggested, it changes everything about how we structure our daily lives and how we structure our work places.”
-The Montel Williams Show, October 22, 2009 Host Montel Williams
“Even though women are half the work force, they still are largely concentrated in jobs that are lower-paying. They are in the health care fields, and they are in the education fields, and our teachers and our health aids are just not paid the same respect that we should be giving them. So it’s a start, but we have a lot of work to do to ensure that women get paid what they should be for these jobs.”