Ty Alper Believes Ohio’s Lethal Injection Mishap Could Happen in California

-Dayton Daily News, September 19, 2009 by Tom Beyerlein

Ty Alper, associate director of the Death Penalty Clinic … said, “I think what happened with Mr. Broom should give no one confidence in the process or the people. Mr. Broom had to help them. I mean, the whole thing is kind of ghoulish.”

-KTVU, September 23, 2009 by Rita Williams

“There’s no reason to think what happened in Ohio cannot happen in California. The lethal injection protocols that the state has proposed using in California have no provisions for what will happen, what prison officials are supposed to do, if they can’t obtain access to an inmate’s veins…. We should care because we have a constitution that requires that executions are humane.”

David Gamage Explains Tax Commission’s Novel Proposal

The California Report, September 18, 2009 Host Scott Shafer

The business net receipts tax is a way to implement something like a value-added tax at the state level. Nothing quite like this has ever been tried before. So this is a novel tax instrument relying on advances in economic theory, but it has some characteristics that are similar to sales taxes—it’s a consumption tax—and some characteristics similar to business-income taxes. It can be viewed as a hybrid between a business-income tax and a sales tax.

Maria Echaveste Believes U.S. is Still Land of Opportunity

Ventura County Star, September 18, 2009 by Scott Hadly

“Growing emotional as she recalled her childhood in Oxnard, Echaveste said, “I have had other people from other countries say to me there’s no other place a farmworker’s daughter who is of immigrant parents with no education could go from Channel Islands High School to Stanford to Berkeley and go on to work in the White House.”

Richard Frank Finds High Court Rulings Favor Business, Hurt Environment

Daily Journal, September 17, 2009 by Richard Frank
http://www.dailyjournal.com/ (requires registration)

These five Supreme Court decisions, taken together, demonstrate several important trends. First, environmentalists lost all five cases; this was, on balance, a terrible year for the environment. Second (and conversely), the federal government fared quite well in these decisions, prevailing in four of the five. Third, business interests did even better than federal interests, winning all of the Supreme Court environmental cases last term in which they were involved. Fourth, in all five cases the Supreme Court reversed pro-environment rulings by the U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals.

Aarti Kohli Defends Report that Shows Immigration Laws Led to Racial Profiling

-The Dallas Morning News, September 17, 2009 by Brandon Formby

“We wanted just do a pure investigation of the data,” Kohli said. “When we did it, it was kind of amazing. If you look at the chart, you see how the spike happened.”

-The Dallas Morning News, September 24, 2009 by Brandon Formby

“We didn’t create the data,” she said. “We are an academic institution, and our reputation rests on our ability to do unbiased research. Why would we risk that?”

Nancy Lemon Opposes Cuts to Domestic Abuse Shelters

The Daily Californian, September 16, 2009 by Alan Cai

According to Nancy Lemon, a lecturer at Boalt Hall School of Law who studies domestic violence, agencies for the abused are a critical resource that have reduced homicide rates and ultimately save the state money. “Since each homicide costs approximately $1 million to the state for law enforcement, prosecution, jail, court time and other expenses, it is also indeed cost-saving to fund shelters,” she said.

Peter Menell Calls For Cooling Off Period for Google Book Deal

The Media Institute, IP Issues, September 16, 2009 by Peter Menell

Google’s efforts deserve commendation, but to allow Google effective monopoly control over the world’s most comprehensive knowledge repository would be out of proportion to those efforts.  Such control would pose undue threats to long-term competition, innovation, and preservation of and access to knowledge.

Alan Auerbach Supports a Gas Tax

SF Weekly, September 14, 2009 by Matt Smith

Economists disagree on many things, but not on the wisdom of raising the gas tax. “Given all the problems associated with gasoline consumption—congestion, global warming, national security, pollution, damage to roads—a sufficient tax on this activity is the most efficient way to cause people to take these costs into account,” said Alan Auerbach.