On travel ban, judges reach ‘Trump only’ decision

John Yoo quoted by Washington Examiner, May 26, 2017

“The Fourth Circuit clearly says that the executive order is legal on its face because of its invocation of national security reasons. But the court refuses to apply the traditional deference to the president and Congress in immigration affairs because of Trump’s statements both as a candidate and as president that — it claims — reveal he is acting in bad faith.”

Inter-American Commission takes up border patrol killing

Roxanna Altholz quoted by Courthouse News Service, May 18, 2017

Roxanna Altholz, the family’s attorney and associate director of the UC Berkeley Law School’s Human Rights Law Clinic, said the case will test if the U.S. government will cooperate and respond to the petition. She said the Obama administration “had a policy of robust and constructive engagement” in responding to other cases filed with the commission, but whether the Trump administration will take the same approach remains unclear.

In latest travel ban appeals case, Trump is his own worst enemy

William Fernholz writes for The Hill, May 17, 2017

Put aside the existing law, which could be read to favor either party. Put aside also, for a moment, the substance of President Trump’s comments, which have been well-reported. Both sides face a similar underlying problem: their positions, taken to an extreme, could lead to drastic problems for our nation.

Despite Comey firing, still no need for ‘independent counsel’

John Yoo co-writes for The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 14, 2017

Critics who believe Trump is violating the limits of presidential power should not turn outside the Constitution itself for the answer. Instead, Republicans and Democrats should pause, take a deep breath, and let the Constitution work. The institutions designed by our Founders will survive Trump, as they did the presidents before.

Hessène Habré’s rape acquittal must not be quietly airbrushed from history

Kim Thuy Seelinger writes for The Guardian, May 10, 2017

Habré’s rape acquittal should not be allowed to pass unnoticed. It not only sheds light on Senegalese criminal procedure, it also reveals some persistent and paradoxical truths about sexual crimes: not least that it is often difficult for survivors to come forward in a clear and timely way, and that these cases require sensitive investigation from the start.

California’s juvenile detention fees hurt families

Stephanie Campos-Bui interviewed by KPBS, May 10, 2017

“State law says the fees are meant to protect the fiscal integrity of counties. But in doing that we’ve seen that come at the expense of economic and social harm to many families and particularly communities of color,” said Stephanie Campos-Bui, a clinical supervising attorney at UC Berkeley School of Law Policy Advocacy Clinic and co-author of the report, “Making Families Pay.”