‘These fish are in a bad way.’ How many more will die because of the Delta tunnels?

Holly Doremus quoted by The Sacramento Bee, May 7, 2017

“It’s obvious there will be adverse effects from this project,” said Holly Doremus, a professor of environmental law at UC Berkeley and an expert on the Endangered Species Act. “These fish are in a bad way. There’s a desire to have higher reliability for high volumes of water delivery. That isn’t compatible with certainty that the fish will be in better shape.”

Jail fees pile up for Sonoma County juvenile offenders

Stephanie Campos-Bui quoted by The Press Democrat, May 6, 2017

“Families aren’t paying on this debt because they can’t afford to,” Stephanie Campos-Bui, one of the UC Berkeley report’s authors, said in an interview. “There’s very low gain to the county, and when you compare that to the impact on families, it’s a bad calculus.”

Trump can’t stop protests at his rallies, experts say

Jesse Choper and Daniel Farber quoted by San Francisco Chronicle, May 6, 2017

“If he wants to have a private talk, he ought to have it in his office,” Choper said. He said protesters can’t be allowed to “censor the speaker” by drowning Trump out with shouts, but they should at least be allowed to hold up signs — or Russian flags — as long as they can’t be converted to weapons.

Daniel Farber said he was leery about the willingness by Trump’s lawyers to condone the use of force against protesters. “The state has an interest in preventing violent acts and requiring people to use legal channels,” Farber said. “An abortion protest might violate the rights of a clinic, but that doesn’t mean the clinic people have the right to beat them up.”

A Dutch website is helping Americans who want to safely end early pregnancies

Jill Adams quoted by Think Progress, May 5, 2017

“While people in the U.S. have been self-inducing abortion with pills safely, effectively and privately, they do so under the looming threat of arrest and prosecution, or detention and deportation,” said Jill Adams. … “Not because self-induced abortion is per se illegal, but because rogue prosecutors have been manipulating and misapplying laws in a modern day witch-hunt.”

Some of the most important details of Arkansas’ execution spree will remain unknown

Jen Moreno and Franklin Zimring quoted by Vice News, May 5, 2017

Moreno: “If the courts aren’t doing it, there’s not really anyone else who’s doing it,” she said. “The state essentially gets to act without any kind of oversight.”

Zimring: “Secrecy laws are concessions that the process is so stigmatized that it has to be hidden to continue existing,” explained Berkeley Law professor Franklin Zimring. “The only way that they think that the practice can continue is if it continues as a deep secret.”

Multiculturalism isn’t bad for women – but racism is: Kanji

Leti Volpp quoted by thestar.com, May 4, 2017

“Part of the reason many believe the cultures of the Third World or immigrant communities are so much more sexist than Western ones is that incidents of sexual violence in the West are frequently thought to reflect the behaviour of a few deviants — rather than as part of our culture. In contrast, incidents of violence in the Third World or immigrant communities are thought to characterize the cultures of entire nations.”

In his first criminal cases, Neil Gorsuch already mirroring Scalia

Andrea Roth cited by The Daily Signal, May 3, 2017

Berkeley law professor Andrea Roth summed up Stuntz’s argument, saying that these rules … have “rendered trials too expensive” and complex for anyone but elite lawyers to tackle. In turn, writes Roth, this “has driven prosecutors and lawmakers to seek ways to avoid trial and force pleas through draconian sentencing schemes, a skewed focus on easily detected urban drug crimes mostly committed by racial minorities, and ever-expanding substantive criminal law.”

U.S. executions: New troubles could resonate in upcoming case

Jen Moreno quoted by Associated Press, April 29, 2017

“There is so much evidence that this drug leads to problematic and likely torturous executions, and the two courts that have heard the most evidence – Ohio and Arkansas – ruled against the drug,” said Jen Moreno, a staff attorney with the Berkeley Law Death Penalty Clinic.