Interview: A look at tenant’s rights

Meghan Gordon interviewed by KTVU, March 6, 2017

“Once you withhold rent you are vulnerable to being sued by your landlord for non-payment of rent. … Request the repairs in writing and be really specific in your written request. … If your landlord continues to refuse to make repairs you can take legal action against them and sue them in either small claims court or superior court depending on the extent of the damage.”

Bill would block immigration status as consideration in consumer suits

Ted Mermin quoted by Daily Journal (registration required), March 6, 2017

“That kind of question is just meant to intimidate and keep people whose immigration status is uncertain from using the consumer protection laws of the state of California,” said Ted Mermin, pro bono counsel for the East Bay Community Law Center in Berkeley. “We want to make sure that your immigration status is not relevant to whether or not someone violated a consumer protection law while dealing with you.”

State kept secret guidelines on safe cell phone use

Claudia Polsky quoted by San Francisco Chronicle, March 3, 2017

Claudia Polsky … said the public health department’s arguments for not releasing the document were irresponsible given the health impacts of sitting on such critical information. Polsky was unhappy the health department released the guidelines with a disclaimer across the document indicating it’s a draft and not for public release when the judge is likely to rule that the guidelines were “not a draft, and must be publicly released.”

Families of victims of Colombia’s paramilitaries get their day in US court

Roxanna Altholz quoted by The Guardian, March 2, 2017

“Victims of [the Mexican drug boss Joaquín] Chapo Guzmán or other leaders of cartels or members of security forces or politicians who face drug charges could also face their victims in US court,” said Altholz. “It’s a new way to look at drug conspiracies,” she said. “It says those tons of cocaine and ounces of heroin that reach the US are tainted with blood.”

Doctors are being required to tell women about an unproven procedure called “abortion pill reversal”

Jill Adams quoted by BuzzFeed News, March 1, 2017

“Politicians are forcing medical professionals to read scripts that do not necessarily comport with their beliefs or their medical opinions of what will be the best treatment and in the best interest of their patients,” Jill Adams … told BuzzFeed News. “This is yet another step on a path that abortion opponents have been walking and forcing abortion providers to walk for many years now.”